QiSwap Sıra 2844
QiSwap Sıra 2844
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0 QI


QiSwap Fiyat
$ 0.4162

QiSwap 24h Vol

QiSwap Kripto Değeri

24-Saat Hacmi
13 BTC
1 H
-2.70 %
24 H
18.80 %
7 d
26.38 %
Bugün QiSwap ABD doları cinsinden fiyat şu anda 0.4162 USD, ve eğer dönüştürülürse Bitcoin olduğu 0.00000745 BTC. Toplamda N/A şu anda piyasada dolaşıyor. QiSwap fiyatlar şu anda bir değişiklik yaşıyor 18.80 %, Kontrol tüm cryptocurrency. Son 24 saat içinde 0.008 M US dollars QiSwap işlem görmüştür Kripto Değişimleri. Almak QiSwap's eklemek için ilerleme Favoriler ve ücretsiz oluşturma portföy.
Ad Soyad
ETH Token
BTC fiyat
0.00000745 BTC
BTC pazar
BTC 24h Vol
13 BTC
Toplam Madeni Paralar
0 QI
-2.70 %
18.80 %
26.38 %
Web sitesi
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ICO Details

ICO Details


The Quantum Intelligence Token (QI) was launched on October 01, 2019, for sale and is totally focused on financing the project that will start with the creation of the Quantum Intelligence Foundation (FQI), which is the financial base of the project that will be so: In the first months after the launch, the (QI) team is carrying out several activities to reaffirm the commitment to the investor network, giving credibility to the project.


  • Marcos Azevedo: CEO.   
  • Jocelino Souza: CTO & COO & CFO.   
  • Alison Andrade: CMO.  
  • Luiz Lopes Jayme: Programmer. 

Quantum Intelligence ICO began on October 1, 2019. The ICO token supply represents 100% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 2,100,000,000 QI tokens available, for 0.000002 BTC each. The ICO funding target is 2,000 BTC, the funding cap is 4,200 BTC and is expected to end on September 30, 2020 or when the funding cap is reached.

Quantum Intelligence ICO features a bounty campaign and the following bonus structure.

Bonus Structure:

  • In the first phase the value of 735 million tokens with a bonus of 8% in the purchase;
  • The second phase with a value of 525 million tokens a bonus of 6%;
  • The third with a value of 420 million and tokens a bonus of 4%;
  • The fourth and last phase with a value of 320 million tokens and a bonus of 2%.
İCO durum Ongoing
Jeton Kaynağı 2100000000
Başlangıç 2019-10-01
Bitiş 2020-09-30
Yükseltilmiş Fon (BTC) N/A
Yükseltilmiş Fon (USD) N/A
Başlangıç Fiyatı (USD) 0.000002
Başlangıç Fiyatı (USD) N/A
İCO Yasal Formu N/A
İCO Yargı Yetkisi Canada
Legal Advisers N/A
Blog https://medium.com/@intelligencequantum8
Beyaz kağıt https://quantum-intelligence.io/(English)%20Quantum%20(3)09102019.pdf

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